Duck.. *Quack* This is a platformer style game where you are a Duck! Yes a Duck (I'm extremely original), you have made cats your enemies bc why not, it makes for a good plot ig. You must avoid them, while collecting seeds (definetly not retextured Mario coins, 100%). Have fun ig.

P.S: If enough people enjoy the game I might make a full game out of it. (It might take a while bc procrastination so don't be surprised if the game takes over 1-2 years, remember I ALONE am the development team, and I am not a trusted dev. If this game BLOWS UP (which probably won't happen) Ima be rich and Ima pump out more Duck filled games for your entertainment. If this game looks like another game made by Endre Bye well that is bc its the same game, I made it for a school project and my TEACHER published it, so I decided to revamp it and publish it under MY name. But for now enjoy!) Oh and also: 

T h E y   A r E    c O m I n G  :)


Updated 24 days ago
Made withConstruct

Development log


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Update is in the works, but might take some tim

The game is still buggy so I would love to hear all the glitches and bugs that you find, heck I might even give you a role in the game if you turn to be glitch hunter

(1 edit)

Btw Nightmare and Death mode are possible, I just did them both, so don't even THINK about complaining. Also Nightmare and Death both should have a seizure warning and epilepsy warning, I sincerely apologise if I activated some of your phobias among other things. I hope you guys enjoy the game, I spent a long time on it.

If the game is too hard, well then thats just a skill issue.. Sorry man





